For some time now I've wanted to put together a chronological index of postings so here it is. Well, its a list right now, I hope to add the hyperlinks soon. Once the links are in, I leave a link to it on the front page.
Since you've found it, deliberately buried back where I've hidden week old posts, here is a suggestion of how to make it useful now. To find a post quickly, copy the title of the listing into the search box on the
lnnupper left of the page and that should bring you to the listing you want pretty directly.
Otherwise, you can use the post date to find it in my archives.
Google.com Blog Search Listing of Active Posts for The Peter Files Blog - http://thepeterfiles.blogspot.com
A CAPITOL BLOG: Weather Service Running Out of Names For Hurricanes
23 Sep 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
The Peter Files Responds: I think this is truly ridiculous! As if the National
Weather Service could not think of a new list of names for hurricanes out of all
the names present in the rich tapestry of names in our country. ...
Sexy Facelift
20 Sep 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
In other words, I gave The Peter Files Blog a radical facelift today. ... PS The
Peter Files is RSS enabled so that you can see new postings on your browser
bookmarks tab or desktop. See this post for details. ...
Jeremy Blachman's Law School Song Parodies and Other Jokes
20 Sep 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Jeremy Blachman's Blog has a lot of things right about it. Funny, well written,
and indexed in another blog just for that purpose, (Smack! Why didn't I think of
that!) Jeremy's blog is well worth the visit. ...
These Are a Few of My Favorite Posts
16 Sep 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Hi there, Since I started this blog in February I have written posts of all sorts.
Posts with links to other people's funny sites Posts with useful information
Posts with my own comedic ventures Posts with whatever happens to be on my ...
Phil Gardner - Mulled Whines - The Great iPod Scandal
16 Sep 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
I really enjoyed this Brit Blog and thought you might too. Its called Mulled
Whines (Warning: May Contain Nuts) by Phil Garner. Here's an abstract of a current
post. Phil Gardner - Mulled Whines - The Great iPod Scandal...
Blithe Spirit, Weekends, September 30th - October 9th
13 Sep 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
GreenMan Theatre Troupe will be presenting Noel Coward's BLITHE SPIRIT on September
30, October 1 & 2, and the following weekend, October 7 - 9. Written and set in
the 1940's British countryside, BLITHE SPIRIT has ...
Diaries: Variations by Sex
13 Sep 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
HER DIARY I asked him what was wrong - he said, 'Nothing.' I asked him if it was
my fault that he was upset. He said it had nothing to do with me and not to worry.
On the way home, I told him that I loved him, but he ...
Morality Test
12 Sep 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
is the intellectual property of the Peter Files Blog - Manufacturing inquiries
welcome.) ... This report furnished by the Peter Files Satiric Humor Psychobabble
Division Resemblances to Actual Persons or Offices are Purely ...
Citizens Cry Out For Bush to Resign - Take Over Vital Katrina Need
12 Sep 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
And of course, since the Peter Files Blog is Always Safe for Work there are many
other possibilities that I have only vaguely alluded to. Hmm, ironed onto a
nightie HotMama.ORG has a new meaning, eh? Wonder what Batman's Catwoman would...
Free to Good Home
10 Sep 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Free To Good Home. A purrfect trade? Peter. This is a silly blog. Anyone taking
this blog seriously is wasting their time and the time of a lot of serious people.
As a blog of comedy and satire this blog contains nothing that should be...
New South African Anti-Rape Device Likely To Cut Down Rapes and...
10 Sep 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
The Peter Files Responds Whether you swing left or right politically, this
radically new and potentially effective defense against rape deserves a serious
look for adoption for use in the United States, but NOT as a medical device. ...
Kanye West Reveals The Agony That Watching Katrina News Causes
9 Sep 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Rap Artist Kayne West Opens His Heart About Katrina, the Media and Bush This clip
of Mike Myers and Producer/Rap Artist Kayne West is very disturbing. Telethon Clip
Not because Kayne West says at the end that "George Bush doesn't care ...
- References
Boom, Boom, They Got Hurt So You Don't Have To
9 Sep 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
This music video is enough to put that paper cut you got today into perspective.
Don't watch this if seeing other people hurt themselves by doing stupid things
to themselves would make you feel squeamish. ...
Drunk Woman Dies in Graveyard Plot
9 Sep 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Peter, The Peter Files Blog of Comedy, Satire and Puns. This is a silly blog.
Anyone taking this blog seriously is wasting their time and the time of a lot of
serious people. As a blog of comedy and satire this blog contains nothing that...
Campaign 2006 Preview
8 Sep 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Another one courtesy of my Email. Shatteringly funny because it is so close to
the truth so often. If you laughed as hard as I did, use the search box above to
look for Ted Rall's humor. Particularly ironic this week, is the line penned...
Traffic Calming Methods on Rural Highways
8 Sep 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Farmer John lived on a quiet rural highway. But, as time went by the traffic built
up at an alarming rate. The traffic was so heavy and so fast that his chickens
were being run over at a rate of three to six a day. ...
Has Katrina Killed The Republican Party In America?
4 Sep 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
... this disaster and that bill will come due as soon as it can. Will it kill the
Republican Party in America? The future is very hard to tell. Perhaps we should
ask the Whigs. Peter, The Peter Files Blog Http://ThePeterFiles.blogspot.com.
Katrina Shock and Devastation - Arial View
3 Sep 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Some of it depends on whether you have been to New Orleans, and I have. More depends
on whether you have friends living in the region, and I do. Even more depends
upon whether some have homes directly within the City of New Orleans ...
Avoiding Hurricanes
29 Aug 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Hurricane Katrina's invasion of New Orleans hits close to home because it reminds
me of my own experiences of having Hurricane Frederick, a smaller magnitude storm,
pass right overhead one night while I was in Mobile, in May of 1979. ...
Custom Postcard Fun with LetterJames
27 Aug 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Just makes you feel kind of good that the Peter Files Blog might have been there
just before the Berlin Wall came tumbling down. Of course that's ridiculous.
But that's what this blog is all about. I like this next one. ...
Get the Most Out of Google with the Google Search Cheat Sheet
24 Aug 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
So unless you are a web search expert, this is a page worth checking out.
Google Guide Quick Reference: Google Advanced Operators (Cheat Sheet) That's it
for this file. Peter Search: "google blachman site:http://thepeterfiles.blogspot.com"
WorldNetDaily: Walken not runnin' – except on Internet ...
20 Aug 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Actorcrat Party Scrambling for New Leadership - Exclusive to The Peter Files In
the mean time Actortcrats everywhere are now scrambling after initially abandoning
their lists of favorites at Walken's announcement. ...
Actor Christopher Walken Stuns Wimps - Announces 2008 Presidential Bid
19 Aug 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Actor Christopher Walken Stuns Wimps - Announces 2008 Presidential Bid. In a
surprise move, star Christopher Walken stunned wimps everywhere by announcing on
August 9, 2005 that he is running as an independent candidate for President of ...
Google Maps - Buckingham Palace Road, Westminster, Greater London,
18 Aug 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Just finished reading Patriot Games by Tom Clancy. That's the one
where Clancy's Jack Ryan ...
The Peter Files Reaches Exceeds 10000 Hits, 15000 Page Views
16 Aug 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
The Peter Files Blonde Jokes Year in Review This page was designed after a joke
submitted by my friend DZ recently and has ... The Peter Files has now reached
94+ Countries depending on how you interpret "Other" in the list below. ...
A Wine For Those Whose Sleep is Interrupted
16 Aug 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Announcing the wine with something extra! That just goes to show you that the
old adage is true, sometimes, More IS Less. Especially is the Wee, Wee hours of
the night. Pino More, available at Senior Centers everywhere. ...
Why I Have a Mac - Reason 13
14 Aug 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
This clip featuring Bill Gates at Comdex '98 is pretty much self explanatory.
Click Here to see the Quicktime clip again. For those of you in the Windows world,
OSX almost NEVER completely freezes because we always have the option to ...
14 Aug 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Chicago is one of the most exciting places for live theatre in the country and
ChicagoPlays.com is the plays to get information and tickets for each show.
Sponsored by the League of Chicago Theaters the site features information about ...
How to Freak People Out in Your Spare Time
14 Aug 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Note: The Peter Files passes along these suggestions for their humor value alone.
Anyone actually implementing these suggestions does so at their own risks, is
an idiot, and indemnifies this blog and any participants from any harms, ...
Who Does What Around the House
14 Aug 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
A man and his wife were having an argument about who should brew the coffee each
morning. The wife said, 'You should do it, because you get up first, and then we
don't have to wait as long to get our coffee.' ...
The Blonde Year in Review
11 Aug 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Thanks again to my friend Debbie for another funny one for the blog. She calls
this: The Blonde Year in Review January - Took her new scarf back to the store
because it was too tight. February - Couldn't work in a pharmacy because the ...
When That Shark Bites On Your Hook Man!
7 Aug 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
PS You can support this blog by making your Amazon purchases through finding them
in the Amazon search box, they don't cost you any more, but The Peter Files Blog
gets a small piece of the action. Remember, if a used copy will do, ...
Gas Price Poll
7 Aug 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Yes, I already use public transportation for most of my trips. Yes, I already
use public transportation for some of my trips. Yes, public transportation is
available, I don't use it but would switch. Yes, it is not available now, ...
Redneck's Playing Around With Molotov Cocktails. Don't Do This.
5 Aug 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Don't do this. Just don't. The background music is If You Gotta Be Dumb You Gotta
Be Tough. This Windows media player film pretty much sums up the tradition that
God protects fools, drunks and small children. The first two seem to apply ...
2000-foot Chicago Lakefront Skyscraper Hotel and Condominium
31 Jul 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Blair Kamin's article in today's Chicago Tribune is really worth a glance.
Click the link below to read the whole story, which I have given you a brief
excerpt of. The Trib also has a number of other related stories whether the building ...
16 Tons of Digital Steam Music Calibrated By Lasers and Mac
30 Jul 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
A creative mixture of engineering, computer power, and art, and a 16-ton coal
powered steam engine at the London Science Museum. Click here to see the video
For exhibition and ticket information click here. ...
Woz.org's Complete Mac Links Page
30 Jul 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
This is just a short post. But a gold mine for Mac fans. From Steve Wozniac's
home page, his complete list of Mac links including ratings ( up to 5 W's).
Welcome to Woz.org's Mac Links Page I give the site PPPPP for Perfectly useful! ...
Meet the iPod family - a photoset on Flickr by Pinkbelt
26 Jul 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
iPod family - a photoset on Flickr by Pinkbelt Mr. and Ms. iPod share the pictures
of their new arrival, little Shuffle. Here they are taking him out for a walk
around the iBook in his new pram. Every once in awhile you find something ...
Peter Files Reluctanly Adds Avertising
25 Jul 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
... well it may be hard to miss actually, The Peter Files Blog is now an Amazon
Associate. ... links at the Peter Files, we will get a small commission on your
purchase so, ... please consider doing it through the Peter Files blog site. ...
The International School of Blog Repair Technicians Announces its ...
21 Jul 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
The Peter Files Fine Print (This is a joke. It is only a joke. If anyone does
start such a school however I claim a share of intellectual property rights and
a small share of the gross. This post is partly inspired by the work of Bob ...
Cheney aide also linked to CIA leak
18 Jul 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
OK This story really brightened my day. Admittedly, not nearly as good as having
a new Harry Potter book come out, but still, pretty good stuff. Brings back nice
fuzzy memories of the Nixon White House and Agnew. ...
Peter Files: Readers by Country - Update
18 Jul 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
One of my newer website trackers, free from onestat.com, installed a month or
two ago, identifies the country of origin of pageviews, which is not quite the
same thing as visitors. A great many people visit only one page, ...
Harry Potter and the Best Book Yet (Minimal Spoilers Already ...
18 Jul 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
After my first post on Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, I thought I would
add my own review of the book. Five Wands with Phoenix Feather Cores. I started
reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, at 9:30am Saturday courtesy ...
Where to Find Free Copies of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood ...
16 Jul 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
While it is true that you can only borrow them, the Chicago Public Library has
10 copies of the new Harry Potter book in each Local Branch, 20 in each Regional
Library and 100 at the Harold Washington Library Center and that's in ...
My Date with Drew Barrymore
15 Jul 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
No, Not my date with Drew Barrymore, I'm pretty sure my lovely wife of 10 years
would object pretty strongly to that. In fact, at this point I don't even know
if 27-year-old Brian Herzlinger achieves the end of his 30-day quest, ...
The Science Behind Babe Ruth's Swing
14 Jul 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
With the Baseball season in full swing, and the White Sox an amazing 20 games ahead
of the Cubbies, I have had the leisure to consider other aspects of baseball this
summer and happened to find this 1921 Popular Science Monthly article ...
Suggestion for CTA - Add Chicago Public Library Kiosks to Rail ...
14 Jul 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
CTA's relatively new Chairman Chairperson Carole Brown did a really gutsy thing
a few months ago when in the midst of their budget crisis she srt up a blog for
CTA customers to ask questions and make comments publicly about the crisis. ...
Harry Potter and the Amazing Book Sales Events
13 Jul 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Watch out for a aspecial hint on Saturday Morning from The Peter Files Blog to
help you get around some of the lines in Chicago. US shop accidentally sells new
Harry Potter book - Sify.com: Wednesday, 13 July , 2005, 23:09 ...
Punch Anyone?
13 Jul 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Thanks to my friend MS for these wonderful gut wrenching puns. I've seen them
before circulating on the internet, but rarely all in one compact, punful package.
1. A vulture boards an airplane, carrying two dead raccoons. ...
Don't Miss Anything Goes!
11 Jul 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
An exciting production of Cole Porter's "Anything Goes" is opening at North
Central College in Naperville and starts this Thursday, July 14th. The Plot The
SS America sets sail from New York to London. On board – a glorious collection ...
Poll of the Week: If the Price of Gas Doubled Tomorrow, ... Would ...
10 Jul 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
The Peter Files announces its Poll of the Week! Poll of the Week? Well it depends
on you really. I'd like to get enough responses to see what people think about
an issue. If it takes longer than a week, it does. ...
Tom Cruise The Sith Lord Kills Oprah?
9 Jul 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
For those of you who believe everything you see on the internet, here is the
movie you have been waiting for ever since you got mad at Tom for breaking up
with Nicole Kidman. You knew there was something wrong with the guy, ...
Batman Begins - The Omnimax Review From Navy Pier
8 Jul 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Batman Begins is the story of the real Batman, the Batman from the comic books
and not some Andy Warhol "Now IN COLOR" Batman of 1967, nor some half crazy maniac
as twisted as the Joker who makes us wonder who is crazier, but Batman, ...
Template Cleanup Upcoming Movies/Books
5 Jul 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
I don't know if you have noticed it, but I have done some template cleanup over
the past week to get rid of some problems that were bugging me and probably a
fair number of visitors. If they were bothering you, sorry about that. ...
Growing Azaleas in Chicago and an Iris
3 Jul 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Here is some proof that you can grow Azaleas in Chicago. In 2001 I planted these
from a pot of Evergreen Azaleas and put them in my back yard into relatively
acidic soil. I added some plant food, and there was some significant growth ...
George Bush is So Stupid That...
2 Jul 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
...he thinks Live8 is a new health drink. ...he worries what he will do for air
transportation if "Air Force One" ever breaks down overseas where they don't
have "real American food" like spaghetti and meatballs or steak. ...
Happy 10th Anniversary AM with Love From PJ
1 Jul 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Happy Anniversary AM Thank You For 10 Years Of Marriage Love Partnership Hope
and Tears Struggles Through Problems Large and Small Patience, Impatience and
Essential Honesty Thank you for the wake up calls ...
Seen on the Latrine Wall
28 Jun 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Thinking About The Troops
28 Jun 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
I give the President a hard time in satire here in these files. But as July 4th
comes near I think more and more of our Armed forces themselves who are tirelessly
exposing themselves to risk for the cause of freedom and justice. ...
The George Bush Countdown Clock
26 Jun 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Here's a page you'll surely want to bookmark. Yes from the folks at BBSpot.com it's
the George W. Bush Countdown Clock, giving the estimated Hours, Minutes and
seconds until the end of George W. Bush's second term in office when the ...
The Peter Files All Purpose Promotional Video
26 Jun 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Because of a stunning technological breakthrough, The Peter Files Blog of comedy
and Satire has now been granted access to the world's first all-purpose promotional
video. A media production that places the historical importance of The ...
Introducing - Dear Dr. Pete
23 Jun 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
The Peter Files Introduces Our New Column: Dear Dr. Pete ... Zimilarities in name
between columnists of the Peter files, such as Dr. Pete, and Peter of the Peter
Files, are of course, entirely coincidental. No laundry was soiled during ...
Art de Triumph
20 Jun 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Did you hear about the guy in Paris who almost got away with stealing several
paintings from the Louvre? After planning the crime, getting in and out past
security, he was captured only two blocks away when his SUV ran out of gas. ...
20 Jun 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
May you have the hindsight to know where you've been And the foresight to know
where you're going And the insight to know when you're going too far. Peter.
(Not to be confused with the saint, though I try, much the good that is does me. ...
Beverly Theatre Guild Auditions For "Broadway On The Corner ...
17 Jun 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Beverly Theatre Guild Auditions For Broadway On The Corner Fundraiser For Beverly
Arts Center Originally uploaded by ThePeterFiles. My friends at BTG are doing a
fundraiser to help buy a Marquee for the new Beverly Arts Center. ...
The Greatful Dead, Live at Three Rivers Stadium, June 30, 1995
17 Jun 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Hear the Greatful Dead, June 30th, 1995 concert at Three Rivers Stadium in
Pittsburg, PA. High-Fi Feed Low-Fi Feed Unlike most Rock Bands the Greatful Dead
encouraged their fans to record their concerts and distribute them. ...
The Peter Files Summer Film Festival: Superman: The Mechanical ...
16 Jun 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
This summer The Peter Files will feature some short films from the archives of
out of copyright films from various sources. They will vary in length and type,
some will be cartoons, and some will be short and educational films of one ...
North Central College to Present "The Music Man" August 4, 5, 6 ...
16 Jun 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
My friend Jim tells me that he has been cast in this production of The Music Man,
one of my favorite musicals because it was the first that I was in that was done
with near professional onstage and backstage elements. ...
Mac Journal Test
16 Jun 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
I am testing out a new Blogging tool called MacJournal. It will take a couple of
days to see whether it really helps or not. This is really just a test entry. Peter.
Jackson Found Not Guilty On All Counts - But His Trials Are Not ...
13 Jun 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
I hardly know what to say about this story. What I wanted was for Michael Jackson
to be innocent, and now the jury has found him so. As a fan of his music for many
years, since I was a child in fact, I admired his music and his talent. ...
My How This Blog Has Grown - Thank You!
9 Jun 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
From the last time I mentioned this, The Peter Files is now reaching at least
55 countries. That's what I love about the internet, and Blogspot's "Next Blog"
feature. Having a wicked cool cousin going to school in Scotland helps too ...
Stories of Stupidity - 1
7 Jun 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
If you forward this you can quote the source of these as Peter of
Http://thepeterfiles.blogspot.com and that's a fact. There were multiple witnesses
to the last two who I could dig up if it was worth it. But first, the 9 that triggered ...
Happy Anniversary Ken and Masumi!
7 Jun 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Happy Anniversary! Ken & Masumi. Your good friend, Pete.
Chinese Students Prepare for Test as They Would for Battle
7 Jun 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
And you thought you got nervous before the SAT's? Perhaps a little sleepless
before the ACT's? Well for two days in June 8.67 million Chinese high-school
graduates -- vie for 2.3 million undergraduate spots, a much higher rejection rate ...
Pulp Fiction in 30 Seconds with Bloody Bunnies (R)
6 Jun 2005 by The Peter Files - A Blog of Comedy and Satire
Well the Folks at AngryAlien.com have done it again with their latest release,
Pulp Fiction in 30 Seconds with Bunnies a hare raising recreation of the original
that will leave you stewing in your seats for more. ...
BBC NEWS - 'Alcohol worse for female brains'
16 May 2005 by The Peter Files
As if things weren't hard enough for women. Well, now you have an excuse to
refuse those drinks that joker you don't like is trying to con you into taking.
BBC NEWS: 'Alcohol worse for female brains' CT pictures of the brains of more ...
weather.com - Allergies Forecasts for Chicago
16 May 2005 by The Peter Files
weather.com - Allergies Forecasts.
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
16 May 2005 by The Peter Files
Funnier than anything you will see in a long time. Characters you find yourself
caring about (except for the Volgons of course). Dazzling special effects - truly
quite amazing, especially near the end, the kind of stuff that reminds you ...
A Lesson in Good Manners
16 May 2005 by The Peter Files
Thanks to John for this one. During class, a teacher trying to teach good manners
asks the students, one by one - "Michael, if you were on a date, having supper
with a nice young lady, how would you tell her that you have to go to the ...
BBC NEWS | Health | 'Alcohol worse for female brains'
15 May 2005 by The Peter Files
As if things weren't hard enough for women. Well, now you have an excuse to
refuse those drinks that joker you don't like is trying to con you into taking.
BBC NEWS | Health |: 'Alcohol worse for female brains' CT pictures of the brains ...
Fundraiser to Help Jim Bough, Age 49, Fight Stage IV Lung Cancer ...
15 May 2005 by The Peter Files
At Jim Bough's Lung Cancer Fundraising Website you can find information about
the June 25th Spaghetti Dinner Buffet fundraising dinner at the Moose Lodge in
Woodstock, IL, as well as several larger raffles, a silent auction, ...
Special Committee on Mass Transit for Northeastern Illinois
12 May 2005 by The Peter Files
The Chicago Transit Authority is in big financial trouble and is facing huge
fare increases or service cutbacks unless the Illinois State Legislature does
something to fix the inherent funding problems. To learn more about input into ...
It's a Wonderful Life in 30 seconds with Bunnies.
12 May 2005 by The Peter Files
Yes, it's true. Now you can get a quick It's a Wonderful Life fix without waiting
till the Christmas season or sitting through the whole movie. What's quick?
How about 30 seconds? And, if that were not all, it's with bunnies as the lead ...
Mac G3 Beer Server: Single-Malted Edition
12 May 2005 by The Peter Files
Ah the joys of e-mail! You never know what you will get. When its time to relax
after a long session of internet browsing, what could be better than being served
by your Mac G3 Beer Server. Cool. Coming soon, the G5 Multi-Malted server ...
Random Thoughts
11 May 2005 by The Peter Files
If you want a basic introduction, click on Welcome to The Peter Files on my Sidebar.
That will take you to my first post. Or go to the February archives and scroll
down to the bottom. If you want to see what countries are visiting today ...
This One Quacks Me Up!
7 May 2005 by The Peter Files
Hope this one doesn't ruffle anyone's feathers..... Three women die together in
an accident and go to heaven. When they get there, St. Peter says, "We only have
one rule here in heaven: don't step on the ducks!" So they enter heaven, ...
Gore to Get Lifetime Award for Three Decades of Contributions to ...
6 May 2005 by The Peter Files
Yeah, they made a lot of jokes about it at the time, lots of campaign fodder,
but the truth is that Mr. "I Invented the Internet" may not have been its sole
founder, but he sure did a lot of care and feeding of it when it was just a ...
Phishers Using New Methods To Steal User Information
6 May 2005 by The Peter Files
Yahoo News Reports That Phishers Using New Methods To Steal User Information
Elizabeth Millard, newsfactor.com Thu May 5, 1:37 PM ET Phishers have been changing
tactics recently in an effort to avoid detection and steal user information, ...
Tony & the Girls
5 May 2005 by The Peter Files
Tony the Tiger Charms 3 Southern Belles. Just thought you would like this one.
Happy First Communion to Olivia whose First Communion is next week. She's the
one in the middle. When you click on the Blinds2You.com ad it helps these 3 ...
Crazy For You, May 5,6,7 and 8, Montini Catholic High School ...
5 May 2005 by The Peter Files
The show my sister says I have to see. OK I've never been disappointed before by
her recommendations. My nephew is great in these shows! He has been in national
TV spots as have his sisters. These productions are lavish and the kids ...
Want to Avoid Passing Along an Internet Hoax? Just Bookmark Cliff ...
5 May 2005 by The Peter Files
This web site has to have the most comprehensive list of websites dedicated to
rooting out hoax emails I have ever seen. Add it to your Menu Bar and you have
no excuse for ever passing on a chain letter, phony email alert or falling ...
Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger : EVERYTHING You Wanted to Know About Tiger....
3 May 2005 by The Peter Files
Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger : Introduction: Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger By John Siracusa This
article covers just about everything you would ever conceivably want to know
about the development of Apple's System 10.4 or Tiger. ...
www.Votefortheworst.com - Nemesis of American Idol - Voted Off the ...
3 May 2005 by The Peter Files
Just as things were getting big for the creators of votefortheworst.com they seem
to have been voted off the internet by Fox-TV, owners of the hit show American
Idol, thee hit TV show that the web site tried to, er, Rock the Vote for, ...
Reservations Irrelevant For MIT's Historic First Ever Time ...
2 May 2005 by The Peter Files
I got this from the Slashdot.org newsletter which I just started getting today.
I found that it was already worth the time spent to sign up. Yes, it is a newsletter
for the Geeks of the world, but with humor like this everyone needs to ...
Society For Remembrances of Things Past
2 May 2005 by The Peter Files
Thanks to all of you who hosted a really nice time. Contact me if you would like
copies of my original thoughts on the matter, unsullied by those fettered by
thinking about life as it is, rather than as it ought to be. Bravo! ...
You Too Can Enter The World Of Internet Blog Repair
1 May 2005 by The Peter Files
Are you tired of being in the same old rut? Would you like to make money the fast
and easy way? Does the idea of sitting at home typing a few hours a day at your
keyboard, listening to music, watching videos, tossing down the brewskis ...
Ashley and the Girls Cancer Relay Donations Up 50% Since April 25th!
30 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
On April 25th, 2005 the Peter Files covered the Efforts of young Ashley Thorpe
and her Friends to raise money for cancer research in honor of their girlfriend
Ryan Vieu in Ashley and the Girls Love Ryan and You Can Get in on the Action ...
Green Valley Moments Reviews The Peter Files!
26 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
The Peter Files Reviewed by Another Blog! Stop the Presses! For the first time
ever, a Peter Files File has been reviewed by another blog, Green Valley Moments.
"Funny, funny stuff" "This reads like a cross between Ron Popeil (
but wait! ...
Ashley and the Girls Love Ryan and You Can Get in on the Action Too!
25 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
My friend Joe, who I've known for more than 20 years, and who is a really great
guy, has a friend named Carole, who has a daughter named Ashley. In 2002, one of
Ashley's friends, a girl named Ryan died of lymphoma. ...
JibJab.com is back with a Passover Video Animated Rap Special ...
23 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
Since the Peter Files' last look at JibJab.com's web site they have done a lot
of work and now a lot more of their older work is accessible to fans, in part
due to the added banner ads and in part due to the paid download options for ...
Crazy For You, May 5,6,7 and 8, Montini Catholic High School ...
22 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
The show my sister says I have to see. OK I've never been disappointed before by
her recommendations. My nephew is great in these shows! He has been in national
TV spots as have his sisters. These productions are lavish and the kids ...
Tickets Are Still Available For BTG's Production of Picnic Opening ...
22 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
The Beverly Theatre Guild's Production of Picnic is opening SATURDAY! Don't miss
out on this amazing show! Beverly Theatre Guild Presents: Picnic - TOP Saturday
April 23-8:00 pm.
Update: Fellow Bloggers: Do Your Friends Without Blogs Ever Bug ...
21 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
And I quote the entire text from a recent email from one of my oldest friends: "Hey,
there is nothing new on the Blog since FRIDAY!!!" This by the way, was incorrect.
He had missed a number of posts done over the weekend. ...
Cracks in The Sidewalk - A Response to William Carlos Williams
21 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
Cracks in the Sidewalk nothing depends upon cracks in the sidewalk jumped on by
masochists with matricidal tendencies. Copyright 1977 by PJF, All rights reserved,
Used By Permission Author's Note: An entirely inappropriate response to ...
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger of Germany Elected 256th Pope, Pope ...
19 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
At 6:04 Pm white smoke appeared from the Sistene Chapel. Soon the world would
know that the 256th Pope would be George Cardinal Ratzinger who took the name
Pope Benedict the XVI, the first German speaking Pope in 948 years. ...
Does that Drive-Through Morning Coffee Add To Gridlock and More ...
18 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
What's all the fuss about a cup of coffee? Does it really make a difference if
you have one in the car or on the road? According to an article in the April
17th, Washingon Post, Pursuit of a Grande Latte May Be Stirring Up Gridlock ...
CNN.com - Vatican on lookout for eavesdroppers - Apr 15, 2005
17 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
Just when you thought is was safe to go into the conclave...... CNN.com - Vatican
on lookout for eavesdroppers - Apr 15, 2005: Spies may be out to penetrate secret
conclave of cardinals By Chris Burns CNN Friday, April 15, 2005 Posted: ...
Chicago Area Auditions For Dinner Theatre "The Soprano's Last ...
17 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
AUDITION NOTICE DILLSTAR PRODUCTIONS, a national producer of live, interactive
dinner-theatre presentations, is looking for actors and actresses to join the
ensemble of "THE SOPRANO'S LAST SUPPER" as understudies and potential ...
Two Free Albums You Can Download Today
16 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
Perhaps you have not loaded all your CD's onto your home computer, whether it
be the blue screen of death free Mac or the virus-prone worm targeted PC, and
enjoyed shuffle play songs by category, or, listened to one of your custom song ...
El Dorado Kansas. . . . . A City With Unlimited Potential!!!
11 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
This has got to be the most wild blog I have seen in a long time. I will not try
to waste your time describing it. For best effect, right-click on the link below
and scroll down as far as you can and start reading upwards to see the ...
Spring Hill College From Above
11 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
Like a torch upon a hillside overlooking Mobile, Alabama, Spring Hill College (1830)
is about as far into the Deep South as you get. Packing a solid Jesuit education
into a rich historical environment makes learning all the more an ...
The Coldest Bus Stop In All Of Chicago - Seen From Above
10 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
I know, with winter over and spring warming just thinking about winter and bus
stops together is not your first choice, even with these new, more protected
lighted bus stops that the City of Chicago worked out for CTA. ...
Seen From Above - U of C
10 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
Well, I did another post on that google overhead sightseeing blog. Just in case
they don't use it I am going to list it most of the relevant information here
and add some personal details. As you might guess, some of this information ...
Google Sightseeing
10 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
In a recent post about Google's new Keystone-based satellite photo server I
mentioned that we now all have the capability to get limited visual details from
above with our maps. Not surprisingly, people have been testing it like crazy ...
What Kind of Movie Hero Are You? Click This Title to Take The Quiz.
9 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
Quiz Results - Which Movie Hero Am I? Try not to laugh too hard now: We few,
we lucky few, have answered the questions to be remembered as William Wallace
personality types, even if the quiz is cheezy, and doth not test us in mortal ...
8 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
Thought for the Day Epidural Injections to the Cervical Spine are a Pain in the
Neck! At least when that's where you get them. So if I have fewer posts in the
next few days, you will understand why. Doing a lot of sleeping right now. ...
Who's in the UN Anyway? - List of Member States
7 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
For for some reason, I just got curious about UN Membership. So here's the list.
List of Member States: "Following is the list of the 191 Member States of the
United Nations with dates on which they joined the Organization. ...
Panda in a Bar
6 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
Panda in a Bar A panda walked into a bar. He went up to the bar and said “I’d
like a steak and kidney pie and a Coke please” so the barman took his order and
the panda went to sit down. Soon a waiter brought over his meal. ...
How To Prepare Chicken
6 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
A waiter asks a man, “May I take your order, sir?” “Yes,” the man replies. “I’m
just wondering, exactly how do you prepare your chickens?” “Nothing special, sir.
We just tell them straight out that they’re going to die. ...
Look, Up in the Sky, It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's Google!
5 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
Mapmaker, Mapmaker, Make me a map Show me up close In my old wrap Mapmaker, Mapmaker
I want to be Where everyone can see me Where Papa can see if I'm Drinking Where
Mama can see if I'm with Boys As for me, well I wouldn't care If the ...
Welcome to my site ! I Kiss you !!!!!!!!!!!!
5 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
This is a truly amazing story of a nice guy named Mahir. He puts up a nice website.
Someone hijacks it, adds a few references to sex and changes the web address.
Suddenly his phone is ringing off the hook and the site has half a million ...
Make Plans For Your First "Picnic" of the Year with the Beverly ...
4 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
If you go back to my first post you will notice my mentioning that I have a few
plays under my belt. More than 40 in fact. Over the course of time, you get to
know who is who, and such has been the case with me. ...
Google wants your video | Between the Lines | ZDNet.com
4 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
Finally, a spot to post all those vacation videos, baby videos, and funny stuff
you've shot over the years. Better yet, you might even be able to get paid for it.
Ha! We'll see if that pans out. Gosh, wish I'd had a video camera in ...
CNN.com - Man auctioning middle name on eBay - Apr 4, 2005
4 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
What's in a Name? A Rouse by any other name would smell as sweet. What if he
winds up with a pair of Jean's instead? Monday, April 4, 2005 Posted: 8:41 AM
EDT (1241 GMT) UINTAH HIGHLANDS, Utah (AP) -- Matthew Jean Rouse doesn't like his ...
Amazon.com Acquires Book Printing Service (washingtonpost.com)
4 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
Now we enter the world of "Just in time" book publishing. Now all Amazon needs are
local pickup spots, or printers in post offices in every city in the US complete
with auto-mailer and postage printing. Amazon.com Acquires Book Printing ...
Mac OS X Tiger ‘not what it seems’ Macworld
4 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
This story came out a few days ago, and I thought it was worth sharing. Macworld
Daily News Friday - April 01, 2005 Mac OS X Tiger ‘not what it seems’ By Macworld
staff Scientists have revealed that Tiger is actually a large carnivorous ...
Death of Pope John Paul II, April 2, 2002
2 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
Peace, It will be a long time before the life and tenure of Pope John Paul II
can fully be appreciated and put into perspective, but certain things are most
likely to be a certain part of his legacy: He will be remembered as the Pope ...
Thoughts on the Death and Life of Pope John Paul II and a Poll
2 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
As Roman Catholics and others who have come to admire Pope John Paul the Second
hope and pray for his recovery, most now acknowledge that his illness this time,
is unlikely to be conquerable, even those very close to him. ...
The Whole-House Machine - The Robot That Will Soon Be Building Houses
1 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
Discover Magazine: "The Whole-House Machine This is why people think robotics
are the future" The April Issue of Discover Magazine has a fascinating glimpse
at the future of home construction. Imagine ordering a custom built house, ...
BuyBlue.Org Lists Companies With True Blue Execs vs Those Who Went ...
1 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
Back in November, a little over half the country was pretty darn Blue about the
results of the Presidential election, and as a direct result BuyBlue.org was
formed as "...a non-profit volunteer organization to conduct research that ...
Amazingly Simple Home Remedies For April Fools
1 Apr 2005 by The Peter Files
This File comes courtesy of my Friend DZ and is certainly in the spirit of the
Day! April Fools indeed! 1. If you are choking on an ice cube, don't panic.
Simply pour a cup of boiling water down your throat and presto. ...
Poetry From the Past - No. 1: Hints on Pronunciation For ...
31 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
Periodically I'd like to feature some poetry files. So I brought you an old one
that I stumbled across recently that tickled my phonemes. Hints on Pronunciation
For Foreigners I take it you already know Of tough and bough and cough and ...
40 Tips for Proper English
31 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
Always avoid alliteration. Never use a long word when a diminutive one will do.
Employ the vernacular. Eschew ampersands seek viable alternatives. These were
circulating in email! Hope you liked them! Peter.
HG Reports Easter Bunny Detained
30 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
NEWSFLASH! A shocking news development has rocked the world of children's icons of
charity with an exclusive report issued by the World Famous H. Gazette (established
1910). In its Monday issue the Gazette alleges that the Easter Bunny ...
Does Anybody Really Know What Time it is? Ain't it Foggy Outside?
28 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
Keen readers of the contents of The Peter Files may have noticed with this case
file two new additions to the blog in keeping with the title of the blog. Yes,
now you can know what time it is, via Clockblox, which should work as long as ...
Today's allergy levels for CHICAGO, IL:
28 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
Spring is in the air! {Achoo!} It's warm and sunny in Chicago and wouldn't you
know it the pollen count is on the rise. If this is a concern to you you might
want to subscribe to a free newsletter which comes whenever the pollen counts ...
Who's Hu's On First
28 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
Hope you had a great weekend. Got this in the mail from DZ this morning who
I've known forever. Thanks DZ, hope everyone else down there is happy and warm.
It's been circulating the internet for at least to years but I love it and can't ...
Fun at Chicago's Millennium Park 2004
28 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
I had a chance this summer to get out to Chicago's New Millenium Park and take
some photos of the amazing sights out there. Fun at Chicago's Millenium Park 2004
Yes, as you can see, "The Bean" is as fun to look at as people imagined it ...
Sniglet: Cooleying the Jury
28 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
My first Sniglet! Click the link to see the thread about the story on The Straight
Dope forum. Straight Dope Message Board - Blake jury stupid, says DA: Cooleying:
attempting to cover up weaknesses in preparation or performance by ...
Rappy Easter to You!
26 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
Just click the title of this post to go to the crib of the Master Bunny E.
Shout Out and Props to Rebby B and MJDB who sent this link to lil ole Me. Yo,
Don be no fool now, jus go click! Peter B. Cool.
Getting the Straight Dope on Everything From the Serious to the ...
26 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
Where to find The Straight Dope on Anything! If you've lived in Chicago as long
as I have you may have developed an affinity for the weekly column The Straight
Dope that Appears in the Chicago Reader. I will expand this post a little ...
Amaztype Seasonal Greetings
26 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
Right Click Here For A Special Message! Hope you liked it. While I admit that
Easter Messages do not appeal to all segments of the population, worry not.
You can construct your own favorite message by going to the Amaztype website where ...
Peter Files To Reach 800 Visitors Today
24 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
Unless everyone wises up at the last minute, by the time I wake up, hits on The
Peter Files Will be over 800 - Yippee! Thanks to all my cousins who visited about
once a week this month to make this happen (LOL). ...
Found in the Museum Of Hoaxes - Best and Worst April Fool's Jokes ...
24 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
These April Fools gems come from the Museum of Hoaxes Website which is an online
museum of hoaxes that is quite entertaining. It covers Hoaxes by era, has hoax
galleries, offers gullibility tests, and even offers RSS News feeds for the ...
Seven Days Without a Pun Makes One Weak
24 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
Only a few of these are original. I tend to pun on the fly rather than keep my lips
zipped as I should. Some I have edited, just for the pun of it. Without further
a dew, let's get these groans on the road. ...
Charting The Peter Files - Once Again
23 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
This post is mostly for my benefit, but you may find it of some interest too.
Awhile back (March 9th) I did a file on the charts that my free site counter
generated. I found them interesting and thought I would share the most ...
The Peter Files Announces Two Upgrades - Repost
23 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
This is post was revised on 3/23/05 because the charts disappeared. In doing so
I added a chart and deleted some text that turned out to be not needed. (grin)
It had to happen. My blog was starting to get too long for people to read and ...
Take New Peter Files Survey Today
22 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
Yes, it's true, The Peter Files is engaging in a little survey to find out how
you found out about this Blog. ... If you found out about The Peter Files more
than one way, try to remember the First way you found out about it and put.
SatireWire | Enterprise Crew May Intervene in Earth Affairs
22 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
SatireWire | Enterprise Crew May Intervene in Earth Affairs: "ENTERPRISE CREW
Fleet Strictly Forbids Meddling, But Christ, Just Look at the Place" I found ...
What is Your Warning Label?
22 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
FROM FIRE AND FLAMES. Username: From Go-Quiz.com To determine your warning label,
enter your name in the box above and right click on the "Get your warning ...
Heard In Sunday School
21 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
Thanks to my friend JA for forwarding these to me!
~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~**~** CHILDREN'S BIBLE STUDY A
Sunday school teacher was telling her class the story of the Good Samaritan, in
which a man was beaten, ...
To Comment or Not to Comment, That is The Question!
20 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
Whether it is nobler to stumble blindly on without kvetching about the lack of
feedback or to to beg for mercy from the teeming masses, all 700 of you who have
visited so far is a contemplation devoutly to be commented on by clicking on ...
Internet Humor
20 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
I am not going to bother commenting much on how forwarding jokes over the internet
has replaced taking the time to think about and write actual letters to your
friends. Nor, am I going to talk about how posting a few of the better jokes ...
MIT for Free!
20 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
As far as I am concerned there are only good things to say about this web site.
If there are improvements that could be made, they pale compared to the benefits
offered here. But you don't have to be a rocket scientist - though you ...
Project Gutenberg
19 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
This entry is about the Project Gutenberg website. The Project Gutenberg Mission
eBOOKS." The name of the project refers to the Gutenberg Bible which was the ...
Sometimes You Just Need A Little Historical Perspective
19 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
I wish this site was around when I was in grammar and high school. The most
confusing thing about History was keeping the timelines straight. It wasn't just
a matter of dates, it was that so many things were happening concurrently. ...
Joke Heard This Week
19 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
Mom: "Karen, has Billy come home yet?" Karen: "Yes, Mom." Mom: "Are you SURE?"
Karen: "Yes Mom, I'm positive." Mom: "But honey, how can you be so certain?"
Karen: "Easy Mom, as soon as Billy got home, the cat hid." Peter.
Exempt-Nonprofit Status Doubts Can Be Very Taxing
19 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
WARNING: I am not a tax accountant. Nor have I played one on the stage. So I
cannot tell you whether pointing to this website in an audit would hold up in
your defense. If you have those kind of worries you should be using a CPA to do ...
The Internet Public Library
17 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
Just a short entry this morning touting the Internet Public Library, where you
can find lots of interesting stuff to read and watch! Just click the link below!
Internet Public Library: Entertainment and Leisure Peter.
10 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
If you've never herd of the folks at JibJab.com, today's your lucky day! Just follow
the link above to see a host of funny animations, especially the brand new spoof
of the drug industry, The Drugs I Need, that they are hosting for ...
When that Shark Bites and Bytes
10 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
Hey, Mac, what's byte-ing you? "Oh, the shark has pretty teeth dear And he shows
them pearly white Just a jackknife has Macheath dear And he keeps it out of sight!"
Mac the Knife, The Threepenny Opera. ...
What's the Buzz Tell Me What's a Happening?
9 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
One of the features of Yahoo! that I find interesting is their Yahoo! Buzz Index,
that's the list of recent top searches on Yahoo!'s search engine. I have a link
to it over on the right, but for ease of discussion I am pasting in ...
Jokes to Put Some Spring In Your Step
8 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
The cold weather is hanging on and I thought a little warm humor might just be
the thing to do the trick. I've been meaning to post some jokes and so here are
some good ones, none original, or almost none. You may have seen one or two ...
Funny Animation - The Hazards of Safe Driving
7 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
I can't remember the exact statistic but somewhere around 90% of drivers think that
they are "Better than Average" drivers. Since only 49% of drivers can be "Better
than Average" there are clearly some deluded drivers out there. ...
Which Monty Python's Flying Circus Movie Are You?
7 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
YouThink.com - Quiz - Personality Test Which Monty Python Movie are you? The Holy
Grail On second thought, let's not go to Camelot, it tis a silly place Click Here
to Take This Quiz Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality ...
Inkjet Nozzles May Someday Be Printing Your House From the Gound Up
6 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
It sounds incredible but according to an article in the February issue of Popular
Science the nozzle in that inkjet on your desktop may be only a step or two away
from breathtaking advances in technology including "printing" circuit ...
Wayback Machine: If You Could Change Your Vote In The 2004 US ...
6 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
A lot has happened since last November and it occurs to me that at least some
Independents, Republicans and Democrats alike might have reasons to change their
vote if they could since last November. (I flipped a coin to determine order ...
The Scientific Farm Strangelab
6 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
Telling you anything at all about this shockwave animation movie would give away
the fun. Click the title of this post for a short and funny adventure. For more
from the host site, mostly in French go to http://www.bechamel.com/. ...
Spring is in the Air in Chicago - Achoo!
6 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
I got my first sure sign of Spring coming to Chicago, my first 2005 allergy alert
from Pollen.com. Pollen.com sends these out to me through their free e-mail alert
system whenever the pollen counts in my area go above a certain level, ...
Titanic in 30 seconds with bunnies.
6 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
Funny Bunnies! The site features other 30 second classics including It's a Wonderful
Life in 30 Seconds with Bunnies. Hard to imagine anything more worth your click.
So hop to it and click the link below! Titanic in 30 seconds with ...
It Seems I've Lost Me Virtue and I Don't Know Where It's Gone!
6 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
Cranium Guidance Suggested. This post is about two friends of mine who have a
creatively suggestive folk singing act. Their music is anything but explicit,
but, if you have a dirty mind and are easily offended, best skip on to my next ...
Movie Time With Emmy Nominated Billy Sheahan's Site
6 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
I found a web site, billysheahan.com that has a lot of funny and well-done videos
that have been edited (etc.) by the Emmy-nominated Sheahan. These are really
worth seeing. I fully expect to see Sheahan with an Oscar one of these days. ...
Internet Poll: Are You Taking Steroids? As Sample Size Grows, So ...
5 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
Click the link above for details on this hot breaking news story. Peter.
How to Dance Properly? A Video Instruction Guide
5 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
If a picture is worth a 1000 words then a black and white video must be worth a
million. Click on the title of this entry to see the dance videos that can set
your dance groove free. Get ready to need it, to believe it, ...
Are There Signs Your Toddler Has Watched Too Much TV Today?
4 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
Mothers of River City, heed the warnings before it is too late, could this be
happening in YOUR HOUSE? He's* all wired up with nothing to throw. He's bouncing
off the walls, couches, bed and floors, and not only doesn't it hurt, ...
Yahoo! News - Cat Survives 10-Mile Trip Atop Car
4 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
This story brings new meaning to the phrase, "Kitty Litter". Click on the link
if you want to read the story. Seriously, the Cat survives the trip. On second
thought, maybe you don't want to click on the link. ...
Playlist: iTunes store downloads pass 300 million - My thoughts on ...
4 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
I don't even own an iPod yet, but this is an exciting story for me. As a long
time Mac user, the success of iTunes, the iPod, and now the iShuffle, mean I
hope, that my favorite, easy to use home computer will be around for awhile to ...
Internet Poll: Are You Taking Steroids?
3 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
One problem with internet polls.... Internet Poll: Are You Taking Steroids? Yes!
8% (1 vote) No? 25% (3 votes) No, I just rubbed some cream on myself...I didn't
know it was a steroid. 25% (3 votes) No, my head is swollen due to a ...
The Peter Files Is RSS Enabled! Headlines on Your Browser!
3 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
Some of you, my friends especially, may be wondering what the heck does that
headline mean? Well, a lot of my friends anyway are new to the Blogosphere and
are new to things like RSS Newsfeeds. To quote from the Mozilla Firefox Live ...
Google Print vs. Google Scholar - A Comparative Table
2 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
A quiet revolution is happening on what we can find online over the next few years
through two new services being introduced by Google.com, Gooogle Print and Google
Scholar. The first, Google Print, is increasingly available as ...
The Electric Commentary: I'm No Superman
2 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
Why do people Blog anyway? Is it because they see themselves as a Superhero,
like Superman or Batman off to fight the forces of power in the world? Here's one
author's take. He offers his "Batman Theory". Personally, I think it fits one ...
Clock for the Inner Kid - Clockblock1.0
2 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
You've probably seen a lot of cute web pages with moving clocks on them, but
there is something really appealing about this one to me. The screen shows six
vertical panels. HH MM SS At the top in white are the numbers which change as ...
Don't Miss the REAL St. Patrick's Day Celebration In Chicago ...
1 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
Growing from its humble roots, a few kids in a baby buggy parade on a side street
just west of Western Avenue, this neighborhood parade has grown to be a major
Chicago Cultural Event drawing hundreds of thousands of people along Western ...
After the Parade Chicago South Side Irish Day Celebration, Sunday ...
1 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
Gaelic Park South Side Irish Day Go here for details on the festivities at Gaelic
Park after the South Side Irish Parade on Sunday, March 13, 2005.
1 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
Odes to Joy Found in the January 17, 2005 issue of Time. Click the title to
see them while you can. Soon you will have to subscribe to see the article and
articles from the same issue. ROBERT FROST "Happiness makes up in height for what ...
Bush White House Reporter Outed From Pool for Hiding True Identity ...
1 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
OK, How does this happen? If you've ever seen West Wing you've seen an imitation
of the White House Press Pool. That "chummy" group of reporters from all the
major news organizations and a few small ones that have managed to go through ...
Why I Love The Chicago Public Library: Does It Get Any Better Than ...
1 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
Suppose you live in Chicago and you want something interesting to read, and you
have not the ready cash as Damon Runyon might put it. So you go to the Chicago
Tribune website, or for the sake of those who think it is THE reference ...
What Should I Do If The Internet Goes Down?
1 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
I found this little gem on http://www.thetoque.com a comedy/satire website you
may want to check out. I edited it slightly because I didn't like the theme in
number 10. (Friends of Hunter H. Thompson might also be a bit tender on it too. ...
Onion Competition - Muskrat News
1 Mar 2005 by The Peter Files
I found the following clip on Muskrat News, which I discovered to my delight is
edited by a childhood friend of mine. Give it a look. Quite funny. Here's a sample.
Muskrat News Pope Undergoes Emergency Surgery By Daniel Williams ...
The Best and Worst of 2004 in Film
27 Feb 2005 by The Peter Files
A quick note about The Oscars and The Razzies or the Best and Worst of 2004 in
film. Chris Rock was a hit this year. He managed to avoid being bleeped at the
Oscars tonight (at least when I was watching) and did a good job of ...
Things Heard in Court - Book Recommendation
27 Feb 2005 by The Peter Files
We all get tons of jokes circulated in our email. I know I do. This one was so
funny that I thought I would share it with you. Lawyer jokes may be fair game
but this series of actual court transcripts has humor from both sides of the ...
That's it for the list so far,
===> We love comments about our posts good or bad! Please make comments by clicking on the word "Comments"!
Click on the Envelope to forward posts to your friends! Thank you! The staff.