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Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Peter Files Road Rage Gallery


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Now playing: Paul McCartney - Nod Your Head
via FoxyTunes

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Now playing: Paul McCartney - Nod Your Head
via FoxyTunes

Road rage.

We hear about it from time to time.

Born out of impatience and/or stupidity and rudeness it can lead to serious, deadly, or in these cases, I hope funny consequences in The Peter Files.

Consider if you will, the case of an elderly lady, tired and grumpy, just trying to get home after a day that has clearly worn her out. She may be a pedestrian, but when confronted with impatience and road rage, she knows just how to strike back in a way that will make the impatient driver of this hot rod think twice before blaring his horn at a senior in a right-of-way crosswalk again!

She gets away with a lot here, but what's the fellow going to do in front of witnesses?

There are two more videos I'd fit in here but they don't meet my standards for SFW, or for younger or more sensitive viewers because of language problems and or violence, but they do provide some laughs, so I have provided the links.

Road Rage: Special Victims Unit: Two Rednecks in a Truck Vs. A BMW Owner and His Girlfriend: Who are you betting on?

Road Rage: Men in Black Limos. Some satisfaction here to see a tailgater get what's coming to him. Again, violence and language and laughs.

That's it for me. Tell your friends about The Peter Files Blog of Comedy, Satire, Jokes and Commentary.

Peter, Chief Editor and Spelling Wrecker

Now playing: Paul McCartney - Nod Your Head
via FoxyTunes

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