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Saturday, August 27, 2005

Custom Postcard Fun with LetterJames


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Want to have a lot of fun making really interesting highly customizable postcards, photos, posters, etc?

Then LetterJames may be just the site for you. The site features some really interesting and innovative templates and you can use these to send e-postcards, or for a fee get the real thing a long with other interesting items.

The kick is, a lot of the backgrounds where you fill in text are non-traditional, graffitii on the Berlin Wall, Changing Road and Emergency Signs, Metro Stop Signs, Beach Sand, Etc.

Better yet, you often have far more interesting places to add text, and the fonts fit in very well with the background, making the cards much closer personal works of art, than just playthings. Though what I am going to show you in this post definately fall into the playthings category, that or outright propaganda.

You can then send yourself the image in a postcard, or, drag it to your desktop, change the name, to something smaller and more useful and away you go. Of course to have something printable you have to pay for it, but for say your blog profile photo or a forum sig, it just might be the thing.

Of course if you order a poster, I am sure the quality with be much higher. That is how they make their money after all. Here are a few, blog promo ones I put together just as examples.

Just makes you feel kind of good that the Peter Files Blog might have been there just before the Berling Wall came tumbling down. Of course that's ridiculous. But that's what this blog is all about.

I like this next one. How come we never get road signs warning us of good blogs ahead?

Clearly a failure of the Democratic process and the Republican Administration. LOL

Here's another one of those wall throwbacks. Still the harshness is something to see. I wonder how many have used this as a breakup card?

I had a lot of fun doing this one, but it took forever to get the big sign text centered. The sign of the far right refers to the fact that the Amazon ads that appear on this blog often feature special sales and that when you use the search box at the top you never pay more than going straight there. But you also support this blog. You also, when you buy used books, help someone like you get rid of thier stuff. Electronics, computers, clothes, lots of other stuff now too.

Here is a simple wall one, short and to the point.

This is a wacky-serious attempt at matching 60's sentiments with the relic of the cold war. Love how the font really works here.

A nice bow to transit, French at that. Of course, anywhere I can sneak in a pun, I am happy.

What! How did that get there! Leave the keyboard alone for two minutes! I shudder to think what he'll be doing by the time he reaches age 3.

A less crowded, more direct road sign. Sometimes simple is better.

Well I hope you enjoyed these. This was only a tiny bit of creativity used here. I am sure that you could come up with something much funnier. If you do and post it on a website or flicker, please put a link in the comments here so that we can all enjoy it.

That's it for this file! See you next time,


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