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Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Insert into Slot A and then Throw it Away!


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Insert into slot A and then throw it away!

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Blogger The Peter Files Blog of Comedy said...

GoGi at work, Garbage out, Garbage in!


Well at least the CD-Rom case was no being used as a cupholder.

Look at that high powered screen resolution why don't you.

Makes you wonder how old this gag is!

Just another example of poorly designed technology frustrating the user to the point where the user takes drastic action unto him or Herself.

Oddly, the PC in question is a Dell which at the time had very high customer support satisfaction ratings.

This kind of thing is why MIS help desks everywhere have become high hazard stress jobs. Where the weary and hypertensed often drop like flies.

Note that the person setting up the machine could have taken 60 seconds to tape on a Post-it note with the words drive a: drive b: on them, but noooo.

Perhaps, this was serviced by the type of tech who likes to leave sheets of "usefull DOS commands" such as "Format C:" or "Erase *.*" for their own job security.

Wonder if this was a single XP sale or if it was part of a Windows Corporate License in which case the might have been only 1 or many such discs around to replace this one.


2/10/2006 9:43 PM  

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